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Welcome to LandRegistryDocuments.com Here you will find a range of services that will help to provide you with records for …

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Welcome to LandRegistryDocuments.com

Here you will find a range of services that will help to provide you with records for any property that has been registered with the Land Registry in England and Wales. Using our services, you can access any document that is held by the Land Registry, including the title plan, which will detail the boundaries of the property; the register, which will indicate who the present owner of the property; and any other documents that are required for a purchase or sale.

As the Land Registry’s portal service isn’t available to the general public, our access to this enables us to provide you with most of the documents instantaneously, delivering this valuable information to you as and when it is needed.

Landregistrydocuments.com is not affiliated with, nor is it part of the Land Registry. We are an independent organisation, DGPS LLP, and are a third party provider of Land Registry documents. All of the documents we provide you with are obtained through our experienced staff. We are not associated with any Land Registry offices or the government and we do not provide any documentation that can be sourced for free from government departments.

Why Choose Our Services?

As a third party provider of Land Registry documents, we can help to save you time, providing you with official copies of the documents you require in electrical format, which is far easier to send onto other third parties such as buyers and solicitors.

What’s more, we continually strive to provide this service at a price that is 25% cheaper than any of our competitors, with our packages often being almost 50% cheaper than many others. And, if you’re trying to save some money by doing your own conveyancing, this great saving will help to keep you in budget.

This cheaper pricing by no means indicates that our service is cheapened to achieve this, as we even offer expert property / conveyancing advice for all our customers. Our team is industry-leading, which means we can help to answer any of the questions you may have when ordering any documentation – and not all of our rivals can offer this to you. In essence, you’ll be receiving a high-quality service at a low-rate price.

Ordering Land Registry Documents

It’s simple. Our easy-to-use website provides you with a detailed description of each document, what it entails and what our service will include. This allows you to order your documents with ease and clarity.

To order, simply select the Land Registry document that you wish to purchase, enter the property details and submit your payment details through our secure payment provider, PayPal (you don’t need a PayPal account in order to do this). Then, wait for your document(s) to arrive in your email inbox.

With instructions at every stage, it really couldn’t be any easier. If you do need any assistance or have any questions before ordering, get in touch with our dedicated team by using our contact us page.

Don’t forget to take a look at our Terms & Conditions too; they’re straightforward but always worth a glance over before purchasing!


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